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Step 2 of 3
Additional addresses and contacts
Delivery Address
This information is essential for the courier when delivering sampling material sets. Edit the address if necessary.
Hospital / Clinic / Private practice | |
Department | |
Address Line 1 | |
Address Line 2 | |
Post code | |
City | |
Country |
Delivery contact person
It is essential for the courier to have a contact person when delivering the sampling material sets. Edit the contact person if needed.
Title and Name | |
Phone |
Sample Pick-up address
This information is essential for the courier when picking up samples. Edit the address if necessary.
Hospital / Clinic / Private practice | |
Department | |
Address Line 1 | |
Address Line 2 | |
Post code | |
City | |
Country |
Sample Pick-up contact person
It is essential for the courier to have a contact person when picking up the samples. Edit the contact person if needed.
Title and Name | |
Phone |
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